Miami Tech Works

Connecting local tech talent, training providers and employers to
develop an inclusive tech talent pipeline.

Students to tech employers: Take a chance on us and watch us grow

Miami Tech Talent Coalition showcases programs that help connect emerging talent with opportunities.

She used to design your favorite t-shirts and home goods. Now, she’s working with AI

As a former textile designer, Kathleen Finch always had an eye for creating. After graduating college, she worked for huge brands, like Target, and designed some goodies that you may have in your d...

Bridging the Tech Talent Gap in Miami: A Comprehensive Analysis

Want to know how you can take action to tackle the challenges faced by our tech community in South Florida? Then, you must check out the Gap Analysis report released by Miami Tech Works! What can y...

Local teacher excels in 4Geeks bootcamp and lands new opportunity in data science and machine learning

Eugene Cruz has spent a decade as an educator in Miami-Dade County, teaching future generations the fundamentals of mathematics and computer science. As a mathematics major, he knew numbers were al...

Partner with Miami Tech Works to Develop Future Tech Talent

Are you an employer looking to cultivate the next generation of tech talent? Partner with Miami Tech Works to create impactful internship opportunities that benefit both your organization and aspir...

From classroom to career: FIU student lands internship at World Kinect via new Tech Talent Academy 

Harrison Perez loves three things – solving problems, sports, and his hometown. Growing up in Miami, he’s seen Florida International University’s transformational growth – including being ...

Seize the opportunities: This former MDC student landed a full-time cybersecurity job at AWS while still in school

Bryant Pickford learned computer programming in high school but software development just didn’t interest him as a profession. Reading about the cyberattacks in the news, he thought he might want...

From pastry chef to a tech career with Miami-Dade County, this MDC graduate is taking the data analytics world by storm

Daniela Rodriguez always knew the importance of being creative and detail oriented with her work. After all, it’s how she made delicious desserts as a pastry chef that kept customers coming back....

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